210 похожих чатов

Too much talk about the name dislike and not enough

about what's about to be released? That's wild

5 ответов

7 просмотров

Can you tell me in short what's new besides name?

Ok so we got new shitcoin tokenomics and another launchpad. Wow.

Ok so we got new shitcoin tokenomics and another l...

You seem upset...not sure how to help...reach out to a friend...👍

Lucas Brown
Can you tell me in short what's new besides name?

A bunch of protocol improvements. Working on performance improvements. Will have all the same focus on being better money, and is also making major push into a metaverse direction.

A bunch of protocol improvements. Working on perfo...

My own thoughts: Metaverse is enigmatic for projects/companies. Metaverse will become important, and metaverse isn't going to go away, so people can't afford to ignore it. But many efforts happening around the world on metaverse will end up not bearing fruit, because it's so complex, and it's such a large undertaking, both in thought, and in physical development. And there's effectively a standards war underway. Only some of the early efforts will be able to be influential in how it's done. Elrond has always said that they're serious about being a contender. From the top, they're hard working, competent, creative, and (my favorite:) they understand and care about people (which is in fact, actually critical 👊). They absolutely had to throw their hat in the metaverse competitor ring, and in a way beyond just having incidental metaverse projects making tokens on the blockchain. And it turns out that they've already been very busy (!) on metaverse. MultiversX is a serious effort to be an originator in metaverse. And they're working toward being an easy metaverse solution for other projects to adopt, with EGLD being multiversal (universal across metaverses). Being adopters of MultiversX will make it so much easier for projects/companies to participate in the metaverse. -------------------- (Metaverse is important & it isn't going away) & (Originating metaverse is very hard) ==> (Adopting MultiversX solutions will be a good way for people/companies/projects to participate)

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