209 похожих чатов

Hi, I was facing some problems with the exchange. In

the wallet section, it says my busd are worth 100.09$ but when I tried to exchange it to usdx, it offers 99.28$. Why?

3 ответов

13 просмотров

The wallet likely draws its price from an oracle or the average price of a variety of exchanges, it doesn't necessarily reflect the exchange rate on the Nexo exchange. You also have to account for spread (the difference between buy and sell orders in the order book). There are also fees, but I assume you have already taken those into account?

Also you are trading for USDX rather than USD, which will have a completely different exchange rate.

WESR- Автор вопроса
The wallet likely draws its price from an oracle o...

How can busd have different value? Isn't it stable?

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