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📢 Hey there Nexonians! We've got some exciting news for


🛰 Tapping into the DeFi space has never been easier. And guess what? By using The Nexo Wallet to do this now, you could be one of the lucky winners to receive 100 USDC! 🏆

There are just two simple steps to follow:

1️⃣ Create or access your Nexo Wallet
2️⃣ Top up $100 worth of wETH or USDC via the Earn tab by May 8

Winners will be chosen randomly, so keep your fingers crossed! 🍀

Click on the link below to begin your DeFi journey with Nexo.👇

4 ответов

10 просмотров

When are you planning to make the smart contracts open source? The product is not really usable as a non-custodial alternative until you do that.

When do you think it will work with the Brave browser. Really have wanted to use it since beta but on Brave constantly reload's making it unusable.

When do you think it will work with the Brave brow...

Brave user here, Nexo works just fine on Brave. Whatever issue you've got, it's on your end. Probably you've got some add-ons that mess up your browsing experience

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