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We have our first xGov proposal submissions open for comment!!

Link please @vithushaji to the ARC34 Pull Requests?

4 ответов

8 просмотров

The xGov proposals repo is now open! https://github.com/algorandfoundation/xGov See this page from the foundation on how to submit a grant proposal. https://www.algorand.foundation/xgov-how-to-submit-grant-proposals

The xGov proposals repo is now open! https://gith...

seriously curious about how this will work in practice for non-developers ... i've seen people have issuess with submitting icon change request via github (tinyman asa).

seriously curious about how this will work in prac...

I would agree personally, it is a bit confusing at first. I believe goal was to make the process as decentralized as possible but something a bit simpler may have been helpful at these beginning stages. I will pass along the feedback

Average-Zen Автор вопроса
seriously curious about how this will work in prac...

My pinned post has visual aides on how to at least comment on proposals and Adri has a how to guide on submitting with video in the making

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