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So to sum, cause dedollarization happening they have announced that

we might be out from dollar by June cause of lag effect globally prolly by August will be out of dollar,

So is it possible fiat currency will be replace by digital, meaning dollar will be replaced by crypto coins,

And in addition XRP will be the one of the most used crypto coin globally in the crypto market for payments and etc? Is that possible? Is that what there planning?

11 ответов

13 просмотров

Their plan is to switch to a 'digital' Dollar, also known as CBDC, you might have heard of that. The hopium usecase for XRP in such a scenario would be to 'bridge' several CBDC's on top of other forms of usage

GreenGecko 🌿 ∞/21M
Their plan is to switch to a 'digital' Dollar, als...

Not much "hopium" about it, its just the logical step when (if) CBDCs are established and XRP is established as a bridge for that fiat corridor. There is absolutely no reason why they would go from CBDC to traditional fiat then to different fiat currency and then to the corresponding CBDC. That just makes no sense at all if there is a direct way.

The dollar isn't going away anytime soon and digital dollar/CBDC wont replace the dollar or cash either, different use case and they work perfectly fine together. Keep an eye on dollar/gold if the dollar doesn't tank like 90+% to gold its far from going away.

Not much "hopium" about it, its just the logical s...

maybe you can share your thoughts on this then https://t.me/Ripple/3173438

GreenGecko 🌿 ∞/21M
maybe you can share your thoughts on this then htt...

I think its a misconception to reject "private" ledgers as if they would somehow circumvent the XRP use case. Its correct that CBDCs likely run on such "private" ledgers hopefully based on XRPL code and thus they can talk to each-other relatively simply. This means each central bank ledger can connect to another making this connection private and invisible to the public. They can make their own bridge and for example the FED and the ECB both run their own ledger and bridge and can exchange CBDC-USD to CBDC-EUR totally in private. Now there are still 200+ central banks and conflicts of all kinds that make it very very unlikely that they all just directly connect to each other. Consequentially the central banks re-create the exact same problem traditional banks have with cross border "payment" or rather exchange for central banks. The solution could be to bridge over a third party central banks that has connection to both other parties, or even multiple parties in between. Its gonna get complicated, slow and expansive at some point especially for small players. So instead they can use a public ledger to do exchanges. That would be the XRPL or dedicated side chain. The exchange then automatically would go the path with the most liquidity which may or may not use XRP as bridge depending on the liquidity of the assets. Now once a CBDC ledger has this connection anyway they can then also offer their CBDC to the public ledger aka they issue it as stablecoin and now you have public CBDC without third party risk . And ofc they can buy any other asset that are traded on the ledger. Tokenised gold would be an obvious one but really anything of value. A large central bank issued gold token would be a way to own (digital) gold with the lowest risk possible. Also the ideal that central banks do some kind of secret transactions to manipulate whatever, is a silly, unlike normal banks, central banks do not have much of an interest in hiding what they do after they did it, its not like they do traditional "business" and compete with someone. They control the money they aren't doing transactions to generate revenue or profit of any kind. After all they can print money if they want to. When they exchange assets its to diversity their balance sheet. The balance sheet is public so that each other central bank can evaluative if they actually hold anything of value. A central bank that hold gold but no one knows about it that would be pointless. Central banks value other currencies because they know about the assets that are behind it like gold but also shares and other currencies. Its not secrete because that would defeat the purpose. See for example Russia, their currency hold value rather well because everyone knows they hold gold and other assets, if it would be secret then everyone would have to assume their currency is actually worthless and it would crash. Just the attempt to hide or faking what they actually hold would just devalue their currency.

I think its a misconception to reject "private" le...

I think you underestimate the dirty role Central banks are playing worldwide. They have a vivid interest in no one getting any idea what they're doing behind the curtains of their 'walled gardens'. 'Gold backing': may be used to tease the dull public into their CBDC's, but who controls the 'backing': Agustin Carstens? Crony Mrs Lagarde or Biden? Well I'm all ears, we'll find out what's behind the 'rumors' and advertisements sooner or later. 🙂

Could CBDC stand for Cross Border Digital Currency/coin instead of Central Bank Digital Currency/Coin as the Fed and central banks are dead so in this case it’s a go for XRP when they flip the switch ??

GreenGecko 🌿 ∞/21M
I think you underestimate the dirty role Central b...

Thats some conspiracy theory kinda stuff. Whats the "dirty work" they do? Its just a pointless phrases that means nothing. Central banks have a very specifc role in the economy (whether you like it or not). They manage the money supply (whether you like it or not). They have almost infinite power to do that (whether you like it or not). They have no one above them (whether you like it or not). The person(s) at the top ofc can be removed and replaced but the next person has the exakt same task and if the course was correct he will do the exact same thing (if not it all crashes). The only objective for a central bank is to have a stable and predictable monetary system and thus at (least in theory) a chance of a stable economy. No politician, president hell even a dictator can task them to do anything other unless he intentionally wants the economy to go sideways into the groud quick. Take a look at all the present and past dictators on the planet and how they either let the central bank do its thing or their money and economy is/went to total sh*t. Yes, the power of the central bank can be abused as anything can but only for a very short time then it all comes crashing down. Whatever "dirty" thing you think they are doing, they most likely can either do so completely within the legal framework and there is no need to hide it or there is just literally no need for them to do it at all. After all they can print money legally. What could they possibly need to make illegal/hidden that can not just be done the legal way with money which they factual have as much as needed. In the most literal sense, they can spend all the money of everyone (through devaluation) if that is required to to keep things going. Like if there is a pandemic for example. Total economic collapse vs. destroying everyone savings? Yes, they pick the later and rightfully so its what they are supposed to do (whether you like it or not). Not a singe law has to be broken to do that and the money printing isn't hidden either. They play this game in god-mode fully in the open and by definition fully legal. Also gold backing isn't for the public and it isn't for CBDC. It predates even the idea of CBDCs. No one you met on the street cares about how much gold the local central bank has. And ofc CBDCs aren't for the public either. Not a single current CBDC program is targeted at consumers. Everyone already uses digital fiat which is way way simpler to control. Its just a few clicks on a computer somewhere and your digital fiat money is locked. They can do this today (ask the Canadian truckers) they don't need or want the normal people to switch to anything else, They want you to not use cash and make it cumbersome and illegal in large quantities.

Thats some conspiracy theory kinda stuff. Whats th...

How long did it take chat GBT write this reply? 😅

How long did it take chat GBT write this reply? 😅

it also sounds very etatistic, woke and it suggests compliance and submission, so it must indeed have been ChatGPT 🧐

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