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Hello admin, what has happened to the attestation?

11 ответов

12 просмотров

They are probably looking for something better, moore was too buggy, which doesnt cut it...

@dreanexo / @JesurNexo ?

Lewis Brockner
They are probably looking for something better, mo...

Would be better actually if they decide on the merkle tree. Check reddit, there is a thread there you can share your thoughts as well. Don't wanna share it here, but it's one of the latest in their sub.

@dreanexo @JesurNexo @MikeNexo ?

Would be better actually if they decide on the mer...

Thanks, didnt check anything on there but will do. 👍

Would be better actually if they decide on the mer...

I read it and agree. A merkel tree solution does sound good, need to check up on that "check up tool" too. Nexo does deliver tho, so im not concerned.

Lewis Brockner
I read it and agree. A merkel tree solution does s...

Yup, pretty good if it comes from the community and they implement it.

Thank you for your inquiry. As you know, transparency is a core value for Nexo, having initiated real-time attestation of custodial assets in 2021. The past year’s industry turbulences resulted in auditing firms exiting the space altogether. Finding trusted and tech-savvy partners to conduct comprehensive attestations has not been without its challenges. We now feel that we have to raise the bar yet again and set a new industry standard, so we have been exploring superior alternatives to the current model. Our objective persists - providing seamless products in a secure, transparent way to help you structure your financial goals.

Spencer | Nexo | No support via DM
Thank you for your inquiry. As you know, transpare...

so the question remains, what happend with the current one ( moore ) ? and when can we expect a new version online? :)

so the question remains, what happend with the cur...

Idk why instead of replace the old with the new they deactivated the old until the new is live

so the question remains, what happend with the cur...

guess nexo ditched them because all the tech issues moore’s been having looking forward to the new solution

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