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But tbh Im not a dev and dont know enough

about the technicalities on what it would mean to convert, it was just a wild question. What are the plans btw that MvX has to attract more action to the chain? Theres no denying we will need it to crush the previous ath in the coming bull market⚡️

14 ответов

7 просмотров

Hey @ardaenz - always great to see feedback, discussions and questions around what's missing to take things to the next level. Not a popular opinion and on a personal note, the most important growth factor for us, at least at the moment, is the user retention. People come for the opportunities, and stay for the user experience. This is the major challenge which most struggle with. No high fee spikes, no congestion, radically simpler interactions thanks to the carefully designed interfaces, safer environment, easier onboarding, and so on. We have a strong focus on abstracting complexity away, starting from the very base layer with the sharding implementation which allows us to expand and meet any demand. Bringing significant improvements, correcting design flaws, ensuring there is no tech debt to use our resources for maximum impact moving forward, are things that tend to take longer, but they are definitely worth it once you have them in place. The expansion is here. Each new product and user is adding exponentially more value to the network. As for the next steps, apart from the major improvements coming on the protocol side, you are most likely aware of the "big" bets we have and the potential we see in those verticals if done right. On top of that, we have a few tools designed for builders, brands and companies, to shortcut their development time and increase their revenue (xFabric), as well as to provide more customization for their solutions (Sovereign Shards). Note that this is a very succint perspective - for the full overview of our hypergrowth battle-plan please head to hypergrowth.multiversx.com

Costi Pirvu
Hey @ardaenz - always great to see feedback, discu...

"a strong focus on abstracting complexity away"... I love it! A very important software engineering design principle. And sometimes taking a little longer, as necessary, but getting it right, allowing continuing good improvement. Love you guys. ❤️🙏

A- Автор вопроса
A- Автор вопроса
Costi Pirvu
Hey @ardaenz - always great to see feedback, discu...

Just read through the article you linked. Pretty impressive stuff. So about the xMoney roadmap: will there be IBAN accounts available for users? Will it be done through a regulated bank within the EU deposit insurance system?

Just read through the article you linked. Pretty i...

Yes, as per the roadmap of the website, IBAN accounts will be available. xMoney owns all licenses it needs to operate this kind of stuff

A- Автор вопроса
Costi Pirvu
Hey @ardaenz - always great to see feedback, discu...

Check the link on the bottom of this message, really interesting stuff

Yes, as per the roadmap of the website, IBAN accou...

Will anyone be able to open an account? Or just Europeans? I live in Australia

Will anyone be able to open an account? Or just E...

You can always move to Europe if you want

Lucas Brown
You can always move to Europe if you want

I'm actually considering that for next year 😄. So, the answer to my question is only Europeans and people living in Europe?

Will anyone be able to open an account? Or just E...

First it will be rolled out in the EEA and then in more regions, starting with the bigger ones first

Yes, as per the roadmap of the website, IBAN accou...

Is there a legal "xmoney" legal entity, or is it UTK which has the licenses?

Is there a legal "xmoney" legal entity, or is it U...


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