209 похожих чатов

Hey - someone told me today that Nexo is getting

shut down for Canadians in September. As a Canadian who has Nexo tokens on long term staking, where does this leave me?

6 ответов

4 просмотра

Hello there! Will get back to you on this.

Thank you for reaching out regarding our Nexo services. Following our established cooperative approach with the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC), a member of the Canadian Securities Administrators, Nexo initiated a gradual withdrawal of our products and services in Canada, as announced in April 2023. The only function we’ll support after September 15th will be Withdraws only. So you’ll have the chance to withdraw your assets after that. If there are any changes in the communication, we’ll inform you accordingly.

Nora | Nexo | No support via DM
Thank you for reaching out regarding our Nexo serv...

That is very sad. Trudeau a true Communist just like his Father Fidel. NEXO you are the good guys and will prevail. Stay the course!

VOCALSMOKE- Автор вопроса
Nora | Nexo | No support via DM
Thank you for reaching out regarding our Nexo serv...

My NEXO is locked in long term staking until next Spring. Does this mean it will be unlocked early and I can the. move it to my ledger or another exchange?

My NEXO is locked in long term staking until next ...

The fixed term is fixed until the date it ends, ergo - fixed term.

VOCALSMOKE- Автор вопроса
Mike | Nexo | No support via DM
The fixed term is fixed until the date it ends, er...

No kidding. I was enquiring because I’m Canadian and trying to figure out when and how I’m going to exit my money. No need, and not a good look, to be snark.

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