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Dear chelvi.ngassaki.1998@gmail.com, We wanted to bring to your attention that there

is an outstanding balance of $3,408 in your Nexo Earn account that requires your immediate attention. In order to ensure the security and accessibility of your assets, we kindly request that you withdraw these funds from the Nexo platform by November 20th. This is a final reminder and a crucial step to safeguard your assets. Failure to withdraw these earnings by the specified date may result in potential disruptions to your account access.
We encourage you to take action promptly to avoid any inconvenience. To initiate the withdrawal process, simply visit the Earn Portal below and follow the easy steps outlined in our platform.
I have received this message from Nexo. Is it true?

7 ответов

24 просмотра

Hi, if you have any questions you can check with our support team. Just click on the blue help bubble on our website to open a chat.

Thebigmaster- Автор вопроса
I sent them a message already

If you have a ticket number for your case I can look into it.

Thebigmaster- Автор вопроса

might wanna edit or delete his message as it contains what seems to be potentially his email

Thebigmaster- Автор вопроса
Mike | Nexo | No support via DM
Admins don't send DMs.

Thanks. I have received two messages from two fake Rosen

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