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When he came on board i thought to myself why?

Why did they change their CEO in the midst of the things

8 ответов

7 просмотров

well even a blind bat can see that now, the obvious animosity between Alexandrov and Shagulyamov is now a matter of public record, imagine what gets said that isn't public no love lost put it that way

A brief summation: Alex and Fuckhead met each other at a function/party for fart huffing Dubai cryptobros of high stature Fuckhead managed to get into and Alex thought he had potential so made him co-founder and CIO and after he spent $30M of treasury funds on making a ridiculous sponsorship deal Alexandrov refused to pay for he walked away and let them take over it and ever since that day they have been dumping on retail while leading them along with constant lies and false promises they could never honor or deliver on I would never have gone as deep into Velas had it not been for the Ferrari deal knowing how litigious Ferrari (parent company Exor) are I thought it had to be legit, then I learnt things along the way that made me realise the truth by which time I was left bagholding and begrudgingly took my losses and moved on

No he wasn't, they were using his name but he left back in '21


I'm not banned I'm busy

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