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I dont understand why all coins go up and xrp

since 2 days down... its a real opposite trend,,,cant be natural... or are there any hickups?

3 ответов

12 просмотров

there's one thing you could pretty much rely (and even trade) on over the last 9 years: the flatlining of XRP against BTC. One can acknowledge and accept that, or remain in hopium state and hope for the next 'news' or someone 'flipping a button'. It would well be (for my own bags, I'm hoping the same!), but it becomes more unlikely with every year that passes. So, wake up and educate yourself about what's going on and about which metrics really count in this market. Hint: transaction times don't (Oracle and even MySQL beat every 'CrYpTo'). Also @allaraaver ;)

Turbo- Автор вопроса
GreenGecko 🌿 ∞/21M
there's one thing you could pretty much rely (and ...

so you mean btc up xrp up? i gues the opposite happened few days ago. or am i wrong?

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