210 похожих чатов

Hi there. How can I convert my ada bep2 coins

to natives? Please guide me 🙏

6 ответов

19 просмотров

The most easiest way is probably through Binance.

Masoud-Heydari Автор вопроса
Fabian (Zyroxa) [TMS]
The most easiest way is probably through Binance.

Thank you for your advice, but unfortunately we cannot use Binance in my country due to sanctions.

Leo www.ispool.live

@MasoudHeydari66 always be careful when you intract with such swap services. There are alot of scams around just as info.

Leo www.ispool.live
yeah, thats the only one I trust, kinda high fees

Not saying its a scam by the way^^ i simply dont know it at all.

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