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The other day my father received a scammy message from

'Nexo' sender with a phishing link and now this... Maybe there's been a data leak? According to GDPR you would need to inform EU users if that's the case 👀

2 ответов

13 просмотров

They updated us about the login issue, check the message from @max_nexo and about your dad, he probably didn't use his mail only for Nexo or he is clicking on every car add I guess, that's what my dad is doing 😁

Joekondo.bnb- Автор вопроса
Simeon Svetlinov
They updated us about the login issue, check the m...

Funny answer. That's not what he is doing and spam email would be normal but a SMS mentioning Nexo means the phishing attack was started by someone who knew the number was connected to a Nexo account

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