210 похожих чатов

Hello again, sorry if this was already answered but how

exactly does this network gets faster the more it scales? Also how does the node requirement (hardware/software and DAG staked) decrease over time the more this network scales. I’m not really technical so if there was a more simplified way to explain that would be appreciated. Just trying to learn what I can here.

1 ответов

13 просмотров

It is due to the architecture of the network, specifically the efficiency and parallelism of processing transactions by being a DAG and that Metagraphs are subnetworks on the Hypergraph with their own set of validators (and even consensus system). The hardware requirements don't decrease though, the "node spectrum" milestone will allow us to have dynamic requirements for our validator nodes which would mean people could run nodes with lower requirements (e.g. hardware, collateral, rewards).

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