212 похожих чатов

Has the DVPN revenue fallen significantly in Feb or some

issue with the stats page? @xSeventhx

5 ответов

16 просмотров

Feb has just started

Chan-Garst Автор вопроса
Trinity Stake (Will NEVER dm you)
Feb has just started

yep but revenue is down from 1-3M DVPN range per day to 50-150k? so just wondering if its an API/stats page issue or the drop reflects the actual network usage which makes me wonder why such a sharp drop 😳

Chan Garst
yep but revenue is down from 1-3M DVPN range per d...

the revenue is the total node earnings and currently there are some economic adjustments ongoing that will take a few more days to finalize and then we will see the revenue stats reflect again accordingly

Chan-Garst Автор вопроса
the revenue is the total node earnings and current...

hi - when are the economic adjustments expected to be completed? DVPN revenue is still quite low...

Chan-Garst Автор вопроса
the revenue is the total node earnings and current...

hi - when are the economic adjustments expected to be completed? DVPN revenue is still quite low as compared to previous months on the stats page...

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