209 похожих чатов

[Lu_ci_lu] Hi, we have our own L1 coin but we

are considering decommissioning it and migrating to your blockchain. We have over 100k users. Who can we speak to about it?

4 ответов

11 просмотров
DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса

[dΣathgripson] You dont need to speak to anyone, Ergo is a permissionless proof of work chain, you can write and deploy contracts as you please

DiscordBridge- Автор вопроса

[wowneroenjoyer] whats the L1 :lmao:

Ergo is permissionless. You can build on top of it. If you have questions regarding ergo script then the community will help you answer some questions if they have time.

please speak to Mr. Pavel @ibetuwill

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