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Hi is this an official cardano youtube chanel??? https://youtu.be/kf2kJPnPKAY

10 ответов

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SCAM !!!!! report

Admins have been notified upon the request from community. Any actions if necessary will be taken shortly!

Logan- Автор вопроса

So its not a official youtube chanell?

Its not.

Logan- Автор вопроса

Ok that what i thought

good... post more links like that on a chat with 60k+ users .... you are obv. affiliated

It's okay, just don't send those links to the groups. That's just another form of promotion. You may be interested in reading this.

Logan- Автор вопроса

Ok thank you and i am very sorry🙏

100% sure he is affiliated / trying to promote .... no question about that

Maybe, just being the first time, I should give him the benefit of the doubt.

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