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Gas on ethereum has been around $200 or more for

days now,I can't even perform a simple transfer or moderate trade without being totally ripped off.. How are people still putting up with this garbage?🤦‍♂️🙄
I can't even unstake my LP in a couple of my pools on ethereum without losing almost all of my money that I've made for the past few months.. All those Staking rewards on ethereum don't mean much unless you've got tons invested and can afford all of the contract,unstaking and then trade fees for gas.. If you are a little guy or even a moderate investor trying to use ethereum you network you are pretty much screwed.. This is NOT how the future of finance should be,this is even worse than what big banks do.. this is just shameful.. Cardano fixes this,believe that!

1 ответов

13 просмотров

I believe once smart contract is implemented, huge amount of investments will switch from eth to cardano. That’s why is a risk to sell after 12 sep, because in the following months cardano price could go crazy

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