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I staked 6 months ago and was finished and i

did witdraw i understand i has a cooling period now it says expired How long is the cooling period? Until now i still didnt get my albt in my eth wallet

6 ответов

7 просмотров

Hi Domy, once the cool-down period is completed, Users will be served on a first-come-first-served basis. This depends on the queue.

Domy- Автор вопроса

When it will be? I staked the 6 months

It depends on the queue, I don't know precisely but just give it some time, you'll receive your tokens.

Domy- Автор вопроса

I will receive including the reward tokens right?

After the cooldown period has ended, you can use the Claim button to get the tokens + rewards back into your wallet.

Domy- Автор вопроса

The widraw is diffirent from claim? I use the Withdraw button b4 and I paid gas already...now i see the claim button now is active?

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