212 похожих чатов

What are liquidity mining pools and how are they different

from staking? I noticed that the apy is over 100% for liquidity mining pools!!

3 ответов

10 просмотров

It’s way riskier. For single sided staking you stake your tokens, earn interest, that’s it. For liquidity mining, your LP tokens provide for the market, that allows people to buy and sell assets. You earn trading fees on this, but a very complicated thing called impermanent loss is also on the table

Ayajul-Hussain Автор вопроса
Ayajul Hussain
So with Liquidity Mining, you can lose your ALBT t...

Only if you decide to exit your LP tokens when impermanent loss is happening. It’s impermanent, so you don’t necessarily have to lose:) but it’s hard to play such a thing

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