The Cardano Foundation has a neutral stance and cannot verify the authenticity of each community project. However, the community can self-organise and have discussions about new projects on cardano ecosystem at @CardanoCommunityMarketplace group.
You can find a list of smart contract transactions here. The applications using these contracts are external to chain and can be discussed in @CardanoCommunityMarketplace
i understand smart contracts is out but i cant comprehend whats taking dapps to be launched on ADA?
just asking a simple question and i got kicked and mmuted? Just wanted to clarify about the launch of dapps on cardano, is there a community to check the codes or something before the launched or the dev are learning the programming langgauge of the smart contracts , hence the wait?
nobody kicked you out it's likely that you had not completed the verification to the channel has nothing to do with your question
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