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Epoch progress almost complete means new blockchain will be start

right? When best time to stake? Before old blockchain end/new blockchain start or After old blockchain end/new blockchain start?

5 ответов

3 просмотра

When staking, your ₳ is never locked up, it's pretty much like not delegating, you are free to do what you want with your ₳. Any ₳ added to the wallet is auto staked, including your rewards. Your ₳ never leaves your wallet. When you initially delegate to a pool it costs a transaction fee which is 0.17 ₳ and takes 2 ₳ as a deposit. That 2 ₳ you get back (minus the transaction fee) if you ever un delegate. When delegating to a pool it takes 15 - 20 days for you to start seeing rewards, then it's every 5 days. Epochs are 5 days. The reason it takes 15 - 20 days to get your first reward is because the first epoch doesn't count, it doesn't matter where you delegate within that epoch (5 days). Once the epoch finishes, snapshots are taken of ₳ within pools. - 1st epoch, your ₳ is not included - 2nd epoch your ₳ is ready to be included - 3rd epoch your ₳ is included and earning rewards. - End of 4th epoch you receive rewards for 3rd epoch. When you receive rewards they are an epoch behind. If you remove all your ₳ but keep your wallet delegated (do not de register), you will continue receiving rewards for three epochs before the rewards drop to match the ₳ in your wallet. Same as if you add more ₳, it will take 3 epochs before you notice a difference in rewards. If you want to move pools, you do not need to un delegate first, just select the pool you want to move to. You will continue to receive rewards from your old pool for three epochs (as long as it creates blocks) before you start receiving rewards from your new pool. Your ₳ is never at risk, nor does it leave the wallet, you can not lose any ₳. If the pool you delegate to is shut down or doesn't get any blocks for what ever reason, the worst that happens is you wont receive any rewards. But you never lose your ₳. This video is really good at explaining what staking is https://youtu.be/Cs_stEnEvpg

Listiani-Sari Автор вопроса
When staking, your ₳ is never locked up, it's pret...

Just want to make sure: 1. ADA 2.174257 of fees when first time delegating : actual fee is ADA 0.174257 while ADA 2 will refund if undelegate. Right? 2. If you move delegation pool, will there any additional fee to join new pool? 3. If you add more ADA in the delegated wallet, will there be any fee to delegate this additional fund? 4. Can you see the the PoolTool io for Sundaeswap stake pool delegation?

Listiani Sari
Just want to make sure: 1. ADA 2.174257 of fees wh...

1 yes, 2, just the transaction cost estimated .17 ada 3, the staked balance updates automatically at the epoch transition there is a snapshot no additional costs and even the pending rewards are included without needing to claim them. 4. no idea what this is

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