210 похожих чатов

Hello, anyone can inform what’s the meaning of transaction error

notification at Yoroi “An error occurred while trying to send the transaction. Error: Decryption error”. What did I do wrong?

3 ответов

5 просмотров

Recheck your spending password. I got "Decryption Error" when I typed my spending password wrong

Listiani-Sari Автор вопроса
Recheck your spending password. I got "Decryption ...

Ooo ok, thanks you’re right. I managed to stake now. 😄 Epoch 303 currently at 24%, so will I get reward from this epoch or not?

Listiani Sari
Ooo ok, thanks you’re right. I managed to stake no...

No. If I'm not mistaken, you'll get your rewards 4 epochs after you started staking

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