Block brand and the fact that in order to earn the rALBT the ALBT community needs to support this odd art style and collectively pay the creators of Genfinity a collective 3.5M of eth in order to be a part of the “reputation” based Albt undermines the idea of Calibrocracy entirely. I am disappointed. How is buying a NFT a reputation based metric? It’s a pay to win model & not a demonstration of understanding. The idea that this is a first edition also implies that there are more to come… This seems like a step in the wrong direction.
i share the same sentiment as bellows here. no disrespect, but this just isn't sitting well with me.
Same 👁️👀 . I think I'm hoping this was one of the extra surprises not mentioned on roadmap. I thought I was only person who felt like this . Maybe I'm wrong
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