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Is 1700 crv worth gas fees to stake on convex?

7 ответов

14 просмотров

I tell people they need about 20k USD worth minimum. Gas fees are brutal, fren. Curve/Convex is not so friendly for normal investors, tbh

I tell people they need about 20k USD worth minimu...

I got raped 2 days ago with gas fees ...they are out of this world !!

My buddy staked $5000 and I’m 3-4 months he’s made $900 but APR was 10% higher... I wouldn’t do any less than that. He will be ok because if he lets it ride all year it will be $2500+

The problem with the curve stake is you’re paying for 3 coins - that will be $100 if you’re lucky and catch it right

Risultati della traduzione hello, and how much do you earn (per month / year) putting for example 60K?

Risultati della traduzione hello, and how much do ...

How much if you stake in cvxCRV? The math is easy, no? 60k USD * 50% (current APR, this can change obviously) = 30k USD per year paid in 3 tokens: CRV, CVX, and 3crv. So to claim that’s 3 separate transactions = 3x gas costs. Expect 150 USD minimum to claim all 3 tokens at once… 30k USD per year in total income earned = 2.5k USD per month. This will be more if you restake each month when you claim. Good luck.

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