212 похожих чатов

The team is still busy selling token on Kucoin?

13 ответов

15 просмотров

Not this again please. It has been explained again and again already…

this same guy

Bojji- Автор вопроса
this same guy

wdym this same guy?

Bojji- Автор вопроса
this same guy

Check my chat history maybe? sAmE GuY lol

Check my chat history maybe? sAmE GuY lol

you asked this in the traders channel

Check my chat history maybe? sAmE GuY lol

Maybe YOU should check the chat history, by searching this chat and realize this question has been addressed several times and answered already. 🤷‍♂️

Bojji- Автор вопроса
Bojji- Автор вопроса
you asked this in the traders channel

Oh is traders channel official?

oh yes

Here you go mate, nothing suspicious. Indeed transparency is very important to us here and we wanted to make sure we have all the information before addressing this. As a company, we pay our developers, contractors, and collaborators in ALBT tokens. We regularly use Kucoin for that purpose (and others such as funding LM campaigns, staking and other ecosystem activities), as it allows us to compensate for their efforts whilst maintaining their privacy. We do not and cannot have any control or knowledge about the personal financial decisions of ALBT token holders, including the individuals involved in this particular event. Transparency was always key for us and that's why all such transactions are performed via public addresses as per our vesting schedule. As for the funding of the non-token transaction. The preferred source of funding for the AllianceBlock Foundation, is conducted through OTC sales of ALBT tokens to valuable parties such as our corporate partners, Venture Capital firms, and other qualified investors actively engaged in the promotion, sales, and business development of AllianceBlock ecosystem. As opposed to an open market, this process allows us to pursue deeper collaboration with these institutions and align our long-term strategic goals. AllianceBlock treasury is an essential part of the development process, over the years our team has grown to 100+ people including Developers, Marketing specialists, Sales, Designers, Legal specialists, and much more. Together with our stellar team we have built, or are actively building, 9 separate products creating the core of AllianceBlock ecosystem and associated business offering. This imposes funding requirements both to compensate our large and dedicated team as well as attract global talent to turn our vision into reality. You can always track the outgoing token transfers from the AllianceBlock Foundation Ecosystem & Treasury address on the following link: https://etherscan.io/token/0x00a8b738E453fFd858a7edf03bcCfe20412f0Eb0?a=0xb757277c9b9a4abc16afd8ed3a1e4dda3b93970e As you can see, the majority of transactions are used to fund our ongoing LM and Staking campaigns, more than 20m went to staking and LM and there will be much more in the future. Ecosystem & Treasry tokens are used or will be used for: - Liquidity Mining rewards - Staking Rewards - Ecosystem Development funding - Provide liquidity for AllianceBlock DEX - Fundrs platform - Collateral for our Stable Coin backed by ALBT - Future Yield protocol through Fundrs - SSLP with fully new algorithm that doesn t exist anywhere else - Yield strategy orchestrator - Funding of Certificate backed by Yield Strategy that we will sell to institutional - AllianceBlock crosschain bridge reserves - Our future Chain that we will have in few years - and many more 🔥 #NoMercy is the only way my friend Again, thank you for raising the point above and never hesitate to flag any other foundation related questions you may have. Best #NoMercy regards 🔥👊🚀

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