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How much ADA should I stake to earn 1 ADA

? how frequently is made calculation of new coins to my wallet ?

9 ответов

10 просмотров

You always stake everything in your wallet, anyway. Rewards are paid every five days.

Epoch period is 5 days, you will see your first rewards 15 -20 days after you first delegate due to the initial offset. You can see a #rewards faq at the link below

FAQ for staking delegation rewards can be found here

You always stake everything in your wallet, anyway...

The rewards are paid for the stake you had 15 days earlier. So, at the beginning, you wait 15 days. It's around 3–5% per year. So, with around 1800 ADA, it would be around 1 ADA every 5 days.

Figure the average return right now is around 4.5% APY +/- you would need around 2000 to earn a little over 1 ada per epoch (every 5 days) average

Smartyru- Автор вопроса
GliTↄH_ [pool: 1LOVE] I dont dm first if i do BLOCK AND REPORT ME!
Figure the average return right now is around 4.5%...

Thank you.. Atomic Wallet gives 5% for staking - is it maximum %? If I stake 4 days will it give me earn prorate ? If I stake 5 days between eras (not aligned to the end of era) will it gimme earn ?

Thank you.. Atomic Wallet gives 5% for staking - i...

Atomic gives the same or less with their fees factored in and you don't control the keys to the wallet

Thank you! Sorry, Why keys is out of my control?

They use their own close source code on the platform which doesn't allow you to use those keys with the native network wallets for recovery, so you are locked to their platform which they control the fees.

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