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Guts, Sorry to repeat coz I am really curious: Why

I have to keep running Cardano data node (vith DM app)? What are benefits of such energy spending to me personally ?

7 ответов

8 просмотров

Daedalus has to stay synced to function, if you want a wallet that does not require being online all the time and have long sync periods you would want to pick a different wallet like CCvault Typhon wallet Yoroi etc

If you mean the node inside Daedalus (I don't know what “DM” is), there are none. Use a light wallet instead. There are also hardly any benefits for the network in letting it run.

You don't "have to", you have choices in wallet apps but there are tradeoffs. Daedalus is a "Full Node" wallet app; it downloads the entire Cardano Blockchain directly and verifies it with your computer. This gives you the best accuracy and trust into your wallet balance numbers at any given time. At present, all other Cardano wallet apps are "light wallets"; these are essentially services that download and verify the Cardano Blockchain on your behalf and then let you scan their database for your transactions. Light wallets allow you access without the extra effort, but you have to trust the service provider.

You don't "have to", you have choices in wallet ap...

Concerning light wallets and trust: Your seed phrase and private keys are also stored locally on your computer and *not* sent to their servers. So, also there you only have to have limited trust in them.

Smartyru- Автор вопроса
You don't "have to", you have choices in wallet ap...

Looks like lightweight wallet is not secure enough, right ?

Looks like lightweight wallet is not secure enough...

Secure enough and heavily used by most people. As long as you don't fall for fake apps. But that's already true for Daedalus. There famously was a fake Daedalus mobile app a while back. More important if you really want security is using a Ledger or Trezor hardware wallet at least for higher values.

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