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Which is better to stake auto cake or manual cake

to earn more apy (profit) and less fee?

6 ответов

12 просмотров


Read about how the auto CAKE syrup pool works here: Auto CAKE FAQs


BSCToolsXYZ : APR Calculator For Pools BSCToolsXYZ : APR Calculator For Farms CakeCalc : How Often You Can Compound (Accessible Through DApp) DeBank : Portfolio Tracking Website for BSC, DeFi List, DeFi Ranking, History Transaction, Approval remover. @CakeHarvest_Bot : Portfolio Tracking Bot for Pancakeswap Farms&Pools Zapper : Portfolio Tracking Website for BSC Yield Watch : Portfolio Tracking Website for BSC, impermanent loss, earned fees all in real time it has a pay wall for all PRO features. @BSC_Price_Bot : Tokens and LP Prices over BSC

it depends, if you have a big fat amount of cake (thousands of cakes), i would go with manual.

but if you are in hundreds of cakes, i guess the best option is auto cake compund

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