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Do we have a harvest all button for farms and

pools in the coming v2?

7 ответов

22 просмотра


Sim - Never DM First- Автор вопроса

that's not good ;( I think it's good to have it in our platform and it saves gas fee if we have multiple options to harvest.

Sim - Never DM First
that's not good ;( I think it's good to have it in...

It’s too technical question, not easy explain to you. Think all farms a smart contract in a Masterchef, they have “pid”s for contract names. And they have “mapping” for all user/cake datas. so, different pids adjust different mappings, so, smart contract can’t harvest all in one txn~

Sim - Never DM First- Автор вопроса
It’s too technical question, not easy explain to y...

got ya, transactions from different contracts can't be combined in a transaction

Sim - Never DM First
got ya, transactions from different contracts can'...

same contracts but different pids and mappings~ we have only a one contract for all cake rewards -> MasterChef but you understood, good fren

Sim - Never DM First- Автор вопроса
same contracts but different pids and mappings~ w...

so sad ;( I think maybe u should add it to ur to-do list 'cause biswap already has the option in farms

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