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Hi, can someone point me to the correct telegram group

or give me some advice. I'm been trying to re-delegate my ADA to a different pool using a ledger nano x and s without any success. I'm using the latest version of Linux operating system. Leger was recently updated, including the Cardano app, but for someone reason, everytime it prompts for the device, nothing happens. Any suggestions?

3 ответов

8 просмотров

First, you have to do this in Chrome. I haven't been able to make it work in any other browser.

Robert- Автор вопроса
Dave Guilford
First, you have to do this in Chrome. I haven't be...

I really don't want to use Chrome because of the amount of ADA that's in there — too much of a security risk for me. Any other alternative?

I really don't want to use Chrome because of the a...

Not sure what security risk you mean. Your private keys are on the Ledger.

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