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Do people earn more via staking in syrup pool fixed

term or in Cake-Bnb farm?

5 ответов

1 просмотр

All pancakeswap products can earn you money just DYOR and adjust to your investing strategy

Alpha-Plus Автор вопроса
Yas - 🥞𓃓
All pancakeswap products can earn you money just D...

Thanks. Problem is it's not clear how much will we earn in trading fee if invested in farms... Do we have that information?

Alpha Plus
Thanks. Problem is it's not clear how much will we...

BSCToolsXYZ : APR Calculator For Pools BSCToolsXYZ : APR Calculator For Farms CakeCalc : How Often You Can Compound (Accessible Through DApp) DeBank : Portfolio Tracking Website for BSC, DeFi List, DeFi Ranking, History Transaction, Approval remover. @CakeHarvest_Bot : Portfolio Tracking Bot for Pancakeswap Farms&Pools Zapper : Portfolio Tracking Website for BSC Yield Watch : Portfolio Tracking Website for BSC, impermanent loss, earned fees all in real time it has a pay wall for all PRO features. @BSC_Price_Bot : Tokens and LP Prices over BSC

Alpha Plus
Thanks. Problem is it's not clear how much will we...

When you provide liquidity That liquidity is used for AMM to people can swap those tokens in DEX. When that pair is swapped an LP fee + txn fee is paid. Txn fee goes to blockchain validators LP fee goes to LP providers 0.17% for liquidity providers , 0.03% for treasury LP fee is shared among providers based on their pool share (think like power on amount ) And LP fee shares are added automatically to the LP bags of LP providers Also if you stake your LP tokens to related farm, you will earn cake rewards.

As I told you yesterday the fees earned are based on the number of transactions made So you earn fees every time someone swaps through the pair

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