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Question Regarding Farm rewards. Is it correct that the fees we

earn only available to us when we remove our lp token from farm.

Is it true that the tokens we earn are available to us as soon as we earn them?

Thank you.

3 ответов

1 просмотр

When you add liquidity you receive lp tokens as a proof of your share to the pool and you earn swap fees which gets added to your lp position and can only be withdrawn when you remove your liquidity. You can check using yieldwatch You can stake them on farm if the pair is available to earn cake. Take note of impermanentloss also Staking + lpfees rewards = ? %


Alpha-Plus Автор вопроса
🥞 Hai Tien | Never DM You First 🔮

so the short answer to my 2 questions is, NO. we do not get to withdraw any rewards from LPs, without withdrawing liquidity fully...?

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