210 похожих чатов

Does anyone know how to run cardano-db-sync with preview testnet? I'm

trying to use next script:
docker run -v $PWD/config/secrets:/run/secrets/ \
-v $PWD/config/preview:/config \
-v $PWD/config/preview:/genesis \
-v /node-ipc:/node-ipc \
inputoutput/cardano-db-sync:13.0.0 \
--config /config/db-sync-config.json \
--socket-path /node-ipc/node.socket
But always get an error:

[db-sync-node:Info:6] [2022-08-24 11:42:01.95 UTC] Running database migrations
ExitFailure 2

Errors in file: /tmp/migrate-2022-08-24T114201.log

2 ответов

6 просмотров

You might want to ask here https://t.me/CardanoDevelopersOfficial

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