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Do you guys think that if XRP wins it will

be also good news for ADA and others as well? Because let's face it , if XRP is found to not be a security then there's NO WAY IN HELL that ADA is a security.. Change my mind on that if you can. 🤔🧐

2 ответов

13 просмотров

The definition of "security" is too broad, so far ETH has established it's not a security lol wild but let's face it the battle is not just against ripple labs/Binance/Coinbase it's against all of Crypto. The only issue so far is that Binance/Coinbase didn't not register under them even though they met most of the criterias not excluding the KYC/AML and other policies. Let's just see how this plays out but if wins well we're all officially criminals 😂 but if SEC makes a compromise and absorbs em, fees will skyrocket that's for sure and there'll be limited engagement with crypto meaning we're back to the stone age and the fight against centralization and autonomy lost

The definition of "security" is too broad, so far ...

It's just my view of seeing this I think someone here could enlighten me better, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this jargons flying around

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