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So, how will the Dao holdings of the nxra generated

from fees be used?

7 ответов

5 просмотров

There are no exact set on how DAO will utilize the NXRA tokens, as there are various purposes, as you might know. And important to note that we cannot comment on financial advice or market-related discussions, as we do not control the market. Additionally, NXRA serves as a utility token, not a financial instrument. Its primary purpose is to provide utility within the AllianceBlock ecosystem. The dynamics can change over time, but of course, on that we are not ale to comment upfront!🙌

A-H2o Автор вопроса
Oliver | Never sends you PM first
There are no exact set on how DAO will utilize the...

So the token slow down mechanics are not well defined then? This is a tokenomics question, not seeking investment advice.

A H2o
So the token slow down mechanics are not well defi...

+read tokenomics wp, for growth designed tech strategy.

To add on this h2o, and wrap-up for you AllianceBlock's tokenomics are designed in detail to ensure stable ecosystem growth, which you can overview by taking detailed actions together and delving in🤝

A-H2o Автор вопроса
Oliver | Never sends you PM first
To add on this h2o, and wrap-up for you AllianceBl...

I read what you sent. There are many services the token is a fee for. What makes companies or people hold the token and keep it out of circulation is not clear. I've moved my query to price chat. Thank you.

A-H2o Автор вопроса
whats slow down btw?

If a token is bought, then sold, there is no value accrual as tokens stay on the market.

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