212 похожих чатов

Ah cool, that sounds decent. So there’s no damage to

reputation for unstaking or anything like that? rALBT is rewarded based on time staked?

1 ответов

14 просмотров

No damage, no. There are two ways to stake: one is regular staking, where you earn rABLT over time. This allows you to unstake and the only thing that happens is that you stop earning rABLT, but it's a great option if you're not sure if you'll need access to your tokens, but want to earn rABLT in the meantime. There's also locked staking, where you lock up your NXRA for a set time. The advantage to this is that you get a whole chunk of rABLT right away. This is a great option for people who would like to get their rABLT up front so that they can use the tokens right away, but of course the limitation is that your NXRA are locked (and unavailable to you) until the end of the staking period you specify. So which option you choose is really up to you, based on your needs and plans. : )

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