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Hello, do I need to stake on avax if want

to get in NAI private sale?

8 ответов

12 просмотров

no, you just need usdt+ralbt on avax.

Eleftheria- Автор вопроса
no, you just need usdt+ralbt on avax.

My ralbt is on eth network, do i need to bridge it to avax net in order to participate?

My ralbt is on eth network, do i need to bridge it...

Hi! If you're getting DMs or calls, even if they look like a mod or admin (or me), it's not any of us (or me) -- we will never DM you first.

My ralbt is on eth network, do i need to bridge it...

Do not respond to DMs, and do not click on links they send you

My ralbt is on eth network, do i need to bridge it...

If you are wanting to participate in the Nuklai event, yes: you will need to have your rABLT on the Avalanche blockchain. You can bridge them from within Fundrs (https://www.fundrs.app)

My ralbt is on eth network, do i need to bridge it...

Note that this counts for both the actual Nuklai sale and also the "burn rABLT to receive NAI" event. We don't yet have the full details for the second one, so I can't tell you exactly how it'll work yet, but we should get those details very soon. : )

Kat | I will never PM you first
Note that this counts for both the actual Nuklai s...

In the last ama with Mathias he made it seem the burn rALBT for NAI was in the coming months ahead. So I'm thinking like March 2024. But if it's sooner that be great!

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