212 похожих чатов

Hello I lost my NXRA in my wallet! Come someone

help me?!

5 ответов

15 просмотров

Hi there Richard! If you lost your seed phrase, or your wallet was hacked, there would be no action we can take. Unfortunately, can you shoot me direct message? Will look if there is something we can help. Do not answer any DMs, calls or anything suspicious! We will never DM you first. Stay vigilant!🙏

Hi there Frog! If you lost your seed phrase, or your wallet was hacked, there would be no action we can take. Unfortunately, can you shoot me direct message? Will look if there is something we can help. Do not answer any DMs, calls or anything suspicious! We will never DM you first. Stay vigilant!🙏

Hurry up and you can thank me https://fafiy.com/

🇦🇺 Mal Skitt 🇦🇺
So good So professional Great work Oliver

Hi there, Mal! Good to see you! 💪 Thank you, appreciate your encouragement! I hope the new week is off to a good start, greetings! 🙌

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