212 похожих чатов

Hey any of you lads could help me figure out

to claim NXRA from some ALBT tokens I have on the BSC?

5 ответов

12 просмотров

You can check the eligibility of your address using the claim portal https://claim.allianceblock.io/ There is also a guide to walk you through the whole process https://blog.allianceblock.io/allianceblock-launches-nxra-token-distribution-portal-b938ffc6a9df This guide covers how to claim on behalf of another wallet (such as your cold wallet), so you don't have to connect your cold wallet to the claim site. If you would like to learn more about how AllianceBlock established eligibility for distribution of NXRA tokens to ALBT holders, check out this article: https://blog.allianceblock.io/allianceblock-nxra-token-distribution-mechanics-6abf1a7ecc9d Most importantly, do not reply to any dms that you could receive, same with calls. And make sure that you use the only legit and official portal linked above and in the guide which is also linked above. Be safe 🙏

Leonardo- Автор вопроса
Wait, I can only claim on ETH?

Hello ! Send me a dm concerning this and remember that admins never dm first

Wait, I can only claim on ETH?

Ignore the previous message and ignore any dm that you may receive. Just talk here at the end to stay safe 🙏

Wait, I can only claim on ETH?

The claim is done on Ethereum whatever the network that you hold the ALBT on. I have linked you a guide that will help you as the official claim portal link. Please stay safe, ignore any unsolicited and check the badge of people in the group before dming them 🙏

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