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I staked my Nxra on V1 and I’m a platinum

tier. but when I log in to v2, it shows my available rALBT which matches up to the platinum tier…however it shows me that I’m not even bronze…

The new dashboard is available on v2, so in the future when using the v2, will I be treated as a platinum member or not? I have over 300k NXRA staked, I can provide my wallet address for a member of the team.

Please help me figure out why I’m not platinum tier on v2

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Helllo! Send me a dm!

Did you use locked staking? If so, that's the problem

KD LegacyIsland- Автор вопроса
KD LegacyIsland- Автор вопроса
KD LegacyIsland- Автор вопроса

This is question 1 Question 2 is what will v1 be used for And what will v2 be used for

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