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How come the price we paid for Nuklai on Fundrs

was $0.0037, while the price at the public sale now is lower at 0.003?

5 ответов

6 просмотров

not true, have you read tokenomics document?

Hey there, good morning Sh.ai - As Jani said please check out Nuklai's tokenomics for more information. 🫡

You basically get more tokens for the same amount of usdt. Win win

sh.ai- Автор вопроса
Cook | Will never DM first
You basically get more tokens for the same amount ...

Yeah, now it makes sense. My records showed a different price and I didn’t know it was changed later. All good

sh.ai- Автор вопроса
Cook | Will never DM first
You basically get more tokens for the same amount ...

I just checked the "my portfolio" page. It shows less tokens than what should be there. So either the price there was not updated or somehow the number is just wrong. Who can help with that?

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