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In summary: 1. Need for communication on all channels, blog/telegram

was used previously, next time we can use website/twitter etc

2. 10% of $NAI will be allocated to development and growth and success of the $NXRA ecoystem, awesome, there will be opportunities to discuss and look at how things are used for success and growth which will benefit the community

3. 2% is allocated to earn and burn, as well as revenue and other allocated from other Fundrs listening. Nothing will be changed here

So, all three of the abouve topics are pretty much closed, anything else?

4 ответов

12 просмотров

Several topics. First of all, for personal reasons, there was no follow-up of "smaller" channels and I limited myself to following the official accounts where there is a great impact or the website. Secondly, I now have time to study everything published by the company and its members and I have found reasons that make me ask questions and worry about facts that could be worrying. In addition, I find support in the rules of the DAO Constitution on the non-implementation of decisions approved by the DAO, in turn presented by the DAO Committee, which, made up of 7 members whom we do not know have been appointed by the DAO itself company. Finally, I am also waiting to find out when the DAO will proceed to Phase 2, something that, based on the information I have found, should have already occurred a long time ago. Finally, I am concerned that the partners or associations of which Alliance Block is a part (LSEG, Swiss Blockchain Aso, Inatba, etc.) may ask questions.

Angel Rodríguez
Several topics. First of all, for personal reasons...

As i told you, i´ve read all posts from Matt and Rachid since the beginning of Nuklai posts. Even the burnt events first quoted arround november.

Z | Will Never DM First- Автор вопроса
Angel Rodríguez
Several topics. First of all, for personal reasons...

Lol.... your story isn't playing out my friend... you really care about the community right? Thats why you're trying to complain about $NXRA to LSEG etc on twitter?

Z | Will Never DM First
Lol.... your story isn't playing out my friend... ...

I´m not complaining, i just want to be sure this communitte is doing all things right. We can also discuss (if you agree), what is the info available. Let me begin:

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