209 похожих чатов

How is it even possible to short bch? you have

it or you don't thats it, all other metrics are nonsens Is it even possible to remove short metrics from the blockchain or is it already and visible only on exchanges? Thanks in advance

6 ответов

16 просмотров


Just like you short anything? Jack has 1 BCH. Jill borrows his BCH. Jill sells his BCH. If BCH price goes down, Jill buys it back cheaper and then pays it back to Jack. Great, she made money shorting it. If price goes up, they buys it back for more expensive to pay it back to Jack, and realises she fucked up shorting BCH.

The whole financial market is a joke. The Powers That Be want to turn whole crypto into a similar joke through market manipulation. Unfortunately, so far, they succeeded. Crypto is a joke.


You do this when you naked short something.

There’s Plenty of types of instruments allowing shorts. Nutshell, investor/holder/trader speculates that price of an asset will fall in value in the short term. They either use the asset or borrow the asset/trade, pay a fee, and sell and promise to buy back at lower price. You can own BcH and short or you can not own BCh and take a contract out and use your own currency as the denominator. It’s very vast the options.

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