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@Agorajix Some listings on big exchanges coming weeks ?

6 ответов

13 просмотров

They cant talk about that, so stop asking and just wait..

Please check latest message from Matt on that, it explains everyone regarding new exchanges https://t.me/nexerafoundation/486228

Ragnar- Автор вопроса
Jay | I will never PM you first
Please check latest message from Matt on that, it ...

To be fair the way matt said that makes it seem like they are working on a listing which in fact they are not so it’s pretty unsportsmanlike to use that in the argument. We all know Nxra doesn’t plan to list anywhere that they have to pay for which in return means they don’t have any listings lined up. I’m all in Nxra regardless

Don’t tell me what to do

because asking again and again the same questions is toxic...

To be fair the way matt said that makes it seem li...

There is no "to be fair" because your statement is false and based on your opinion. If you're all in, why are you calling the project unsportsmanlike based on your own personal assumptions?

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