212 похожих чатов

I was hoping it would allow me to attempt KYC

again but it wouldn't. I would've tried to use my driver's license instead of my passport this time.

So many things are excluded in NY. Coinbase and Gemeni are literally the only on and off ramps.

Curious to see what happens if they say NY is ineligible. Maybe they can revoke my rAlbt and unlock my nelxra? Doubt it tho

5 ответов

24 просмотра

I dont think I used my license. I used passport as well. But that's crazy it doesn't allow you to try again? Wtf?

No, the Nexera team has no way to manually tinker with your staking, it’s completely decentralised

Hey mate kindly elaborate your issue via DM for further assistance

Yea I'm not sure if that's possible but there is a positive to this and it's you'll have a shit ton of rALBT ready for whatever comes after these burns when most people use it all. Technically you'd prob make more if you just bought brillion and nuklai now. And then can use the rALbt on something later. Reputation plays a big part in this ecosystem. But it's not what you want to hear and I'd be hella upset. But for one you won't panic sell your nxra and u get a shit ton rALBT. Still time that you may be approved in the future. Take it day by day

Vorenus- Автор вопроса
Viz Z
Yea I'm not sure if that's possible but there is a...

Provided that I ultimately get approved yes you're right. Think most people are gonna dump their rAlbt on dua since it'll be first?

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