212 похожих чатов

Can we start a proposal to overfund NitroDome? I might

be bias, but it does sound like a cool idea. 😉

4 ответов

12 просмотров

Go for it 🤣

https://t.me/nexerafoundation/487166 Don’t forget my question if I can get an answer please

The Inglourious-Basterd, D.G. Автор вопроса
https://t.me/nexerafoundation/487166 Don’t forget...

Valuation and multiplier changed for that round, providing additional return, regardless of starting token price.

The Inglourious Basterd, D.G.
Valuation and multiplier changed for that round, p...

Wdym I don’t get it .. price token written for angels is higher than before ( 0.025 last week vs 0.04 now ).. but amount raised by the was already finished .. so how is it possible to changed their price ? You changed number of tokens for angels after the raise ?

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