212 похожих чатов

Why did they delete my message? Taking legal action as

an investor is legal and within the rules. Arbitrary deletion of messages will also be part of the legal case

11 ответов

10 просмотров

Bla bla bla

He is the man

Lmfao, crypto world my friend, can't do shit but buy or sell

Damián- Автор вопроса
Gringo Loco
Lmfao, crypto world my friend, can't do shit but b...

Ask do kwon if nothing can be done. They are a company, they have real names, management, responsibility and obligations, there is a reason why so many people (like me) invested thousands of USD in their company. I myself invested more than 60k. This is not a game

Ask do kwon if nothing can be done. They are a com...

Well looks like you're not worth 30k less 😂😂

Hahaha not being funny mate but wtf u gonna do ? Call Saul Goodman or sumn 🤣

Lol legal case.... you don't want to know how much a lawyer would cost for something like this, you probably couldn't afford the bill for walking into the lawyers office

Lol legal case.... you don't want to know how muc...

He's fine he has 30k now to pay for a lawyer 😂

This is crypto. Banks don’t touch it and courts don’t wanna know. It’s a “risky” asset remember.

cute 🤣

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