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As devs we often come up with some incredible machines

that do amazing things, but it's often clouded by so much complexity that while it's beautiful, it's hard to understand. When we created the portal, we iterated over and over until we had something that we truly think can be called elegant. It's simple, lightweight, and very versatile. It's one of those things that you can look at and think "it's so simple, why hasn't anyone done this before?" I might be bias, but I also think I might be in love with it.

2 ответов

2 просмотра

I admire that you're a group of devs that have gone through the exercise to design the right business experience. I've worked with a lot of engineers that are brilliant, but struggle to truly to connect to customer needs & woes unless you put one right in front of their face. Sounds like your team is prepared for facetime and ready to deliver on business solutions where your technology lacks. Very nice.

The Inglourious-Basterd, D.G. Автор вопроса
I admire that you're a group of devs that have gon...

Thank you. If I haven't said "user experience" in a dev conversation with Gorden, we must not be having a serious conversation. We talk about this incessantly because it's one of the cornerstones of success and will set us apart from most projects. That user experience isn't just the person using the portal, it's the devs, the project leads, the sales people, etc.

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