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Q: What is the security aspect or risk of this

type of item design (RGAs) if all games can just plug into the API and get tokens onchain?

A: First, we are a very security conscious project. We do a lot of due diligence on partners, as well as internal reviews of security with wallets, contracts, multisig, and hardware wallets. This extends to those games that get onboarded. As part of the onboarding we will discuss opsec for blockchain in regards to both their API, as well as any wallets they use for managing their NFT contracts. A game will own their contracts, which removes any responsibility from our side for keeping them secure. At any time, we can stop portal transactions from processing in the UI for one or more games. Any game can also stop their API from processing any transactions at any time.

6 ответов

1 просмотр

Would there be an argument why a game does not want to participate in the possibility to export in game assets? And so what’s that argument?

The Inglourious-Basterd, D.G. Автор вопроса
Jacko Bean
Would there be an argument why a game does not wan...

Yes, there's plenty of reasons why a game wouldn't want to export game assets. We can explain the benefits of doing so, but not every game wants to be open in such a manner. However, we looked into several studies as to why web2 is resistant to moving to web3. The reasons include the knowledge gap, the time and money involved, the lack of clarity of how to properly manage it, security concerns, and losing their existing web2 users. We have mitigated ALL of these issues. By resolving all these issues using the NFT Portal, and the API provided, onboarding should be much easier.

The Inglourious Basterd, D.G.
Yes, there's plenty of reasons why a game wouldn't...

Since you have been building before the presale can one say the tge will almost certainly be on the 15th of October? I have invested already in 2 other projects here on fundrs and they just decided to move the tge but also the vesting schedule, so basically moving us out of the bullrun and as a result “waisting” our profits. So my confidence in fundrs presale has diminished majorly. Is this planning going accordingly to schedule?

Jacko Bean
Since you have been building before the presale ca...

The TGE and IDO is planned for end of month September and beginning of Oktober, we have agreements with IDO Launchpads. Since we are ready, we would launch tomorrow if possible, but we need to wait for the partners. There wont be any delay for months as you may have experienced, in worst case we talk about + - 1week.

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